Southwestern Yakutia

About Gross Region

This region includes our Gross and Taborny operating mines, as well as our Tokko project.

The nearest regional protected natural area is Charuoda nature reserve located approximately 10 kilometers from our mine site.

The nearest federal protected areas are the Vitimsky and Olekminsky reserves.

10 km
from Charuoda nature reserve
150–200 km
from the nearest federal nature reserves


The South-Siberian Taiga next to our gold producing region is home to

species of vascular plants, moss, and lichen as well as
animal species


Our gold deposit is located in deciduous woods and woodlands dominated by larch, vaccinium and ledum with a prominent moss and lichen layer. Mountain slopes are home to dwarf pines, alder trees and dwarf birch.


This area is home to typical taiga animals, such as Siberian chipmunks, sables, stoats, spotted nutcrackers, bramblings, Pallas’s rosefinches and three-toed woodpeckers, as well as tundra dwellers and other more common species, such as viviparous lizards, foxes, common buzzards, and cuckoos.

Dwarf pine
Mountain hare
Brown bear
Ural owl
Siberian weasel


We conduct biological monitoring to evaluate the biodiversity and abundance of plants and animals in the areas surrounding the Gross Region.

Through research, we understand current plant and animal environment, identify vulnerable species, and develop plans to preserve and reintroduce animal populations.

We are conducting a scheduled biodiversity monitoring project at Gross in 2021

Biodiversity research areas

0–100 m
200–400 m
600–1 600 m
2 000–5 000 m

Within each area:

Plant and animal studies are conducted

Even the slightest changes are documented

We monitor populations of species included in Russian Federal and Sakha Red Lists.

We establish monitoring baselines as points of reference for future studies.

Key phases

1Field studies

Research subjects in the Gross area:
Vertebrates: mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians
Terrestrial invertebrates
Plankton and benthos
Plants and mushrooms
Area inspection:
  • Animal trail research
  • Soil, and water sampling
  • Identifying key habitats
Compiling descriptions of plants and animals
Photo shooting of species and study progress

2Laboratory processing

Sample analysis:
  • Herbarium definition
  • Evaluation of soil and water samples
  • Animal counting
  • Environmental mapping
Creating lists of protected and vulnerable species
Identifying and establishing key points for future monitoring
Creating lists of plant and animal species


We identify plants and animals resident to the Gross Region, as well as other vulnerable species.
We establish key places for environmental monitoring around the region.
We are developing a detailed environmental action plan to preserve biodiversity in the vicinity of the Gross Region.
Biomonitoring in the Gross area is just one of many steps Nordgold is taking to uphold international standards in environmental protection.
Other things we 
do to preserve the nature
of Southern Yakutia
We replenish the water habitat biodiversity every year by releasing young northern whitefish in Vilyuisk Reservoir in Yakutia
In 2021-2022 we will plant more than 200 hectares of forests in Yakutia
We would like to live in a world full of diverse and fascinating creatures and plants, and to preserve our nature for future generations. This is one of the biggest commitments of our thousands-strong team
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